Unshaven Hair Transplant

Unshaven hair transplantation varies according to the size of the area with hair loss. If the patient’s shedding occurs no more than the size of a palm, hair transplantation can be performed without cutting the hair while transplanting.

Today, unshaven hair transplantation operation can be performed with ease. Men's hair loss starts with openings in the areas we call the anterior gulf. The front hairline disappears and there is a gradual opening on the top, where the front and back meet and the top begins to open. There is no need to shave all the hair, especially when the tops of the anterior gulf are open. Unshaven FUE hair transplantation can be done in cases where there is thinning and where the hairs can be easily interfered to apply procedure.

What to consider before Unshaven Hair Transplant?

In the first meeting you will have with your specialist doctor before the hair transplant procedure, a special evaluation will be made and you will be informed about what you should pay attention to.

Advantages of Unshaven Hair Transplant:

  • The original hairstyle can be preserved after the procedure.
  • It is possible to return to daily life without making the procedure obvious.
  • It is easier to hide the temporary crusts formed on the scalp after the application.
  • Since the number of transferred hair follicles is less than other methods, the recovery time is also faster.
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